ברכות לשנה החדשה מאת דזונגסר ג'אמיאנג קהיינטסה



New Year’s Prayer 2014

As I have encountered the Dharma in this life,
And from time to time been interested in practising it,
I must have accumulated some merit during my past lives.

Throughout this life I have admired, been inspired by,
And, on occasion, had the courage to emulate my master,
So I must have gathered a little more merit.

Though shallow, my trust in the Three Jewels is absolute,
And I am convinced that they alone will not mislead me –
Surely a sign of their unfailing blessings.

From time to time I am moved
By the teachings of the Buddha and his followers,
Which must mean that, at some point, I’ve done something right.

Now and then, when required to make an offering,
I feel ashamed of my own miserliness,
And so the Dharma must have entered my mind to some extent.

As, once in a blue moon,
I catch myself trying to impress others,
My random condemnation of ego must have had some effect.

Although the feeling is rare and short-lived,
I have empathized with those who are destitute,
So, however seldom, I must have some heart.

By the power of all this merit and virtue,
May I not attain enlightenment
Until every other sentient being has reached enlightenment before me.

By the power of the merit of not wanting enlightenment
Ahead of all other suffering beings,
May I not become enlightened

Until everyone else has reached enlightenment before me.

—Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse, Bartsham, December 31, 2013

ספרייה ולימוד

ספרים בהוצאת ידידי הדהרמה

"להגיע להארה"

כבוד הדלאי לאמהּ ה-14  

"להגיע להארה" הוא ספר חשוב ומהותי בו פורש בפנינו הדלאי לאמה, בדרך בהירה ומעשית, את שלבי התרגול הרוחני בדרך להשגת מצב ההארה שלמה, מצב תודעה שהוא הרמה הגבוהה ביותר של ההתפתחות הרוחנית. למידע נוסף ורכישה