סוטרת האור המוזהב – תרגול יומי
- תאריך: 16.10.2023 קורס זה מחזורי ומתקיים מדי יום ראשון, שני, שלישי, רביעי, חמישי, שישי, שבת, החל מתאריך 16.10.2023
- תאריך סיום: 19.01.2025
- מורה: הנזירה (אני) לוסנג
- מקום: קורס מקוון / אינטרנטי
לפי לאמה זופה רינפוצ'ה, קריאת סוטרת האור המוזהב מועילה ביותר כאשר יש סכנת מלחמה או בזמן מלחמה ממש. הסוטרה עצמה הינה אוסף של סיפורים ואינה כמו סוטרה רגילה. היתרון בדקלום סוטרה זאת הוא שאיננו חייבים באמת להבין, רק לדקלם אותה עם המוטיבציה הנכונה.
משתתפים יכולים להצטרף לכל השעתיים או רק לזמן קצר. הדבר העיקרי הוא שהסוטרה מדוקלמת בישראל.
ניתן למצוא הסבר טוב של הסוטרה בקישור.
לינק לזום: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81567040249
סיסמא: 1234
לוח הזמנים:
קורס זה מחזורי ומתקיים כל יום באותו זמן, למעט יום רביעי
11:30 – 10:30
יום רביעי
15:00 – 14:00
Ani Losang – Golden Light Sutra
This text is very precious; it brings peace and happiness and is very powerful to stop violence. By hearing this text, one’s karma is purified. The purpose of our lives is to benefit others. We can bring others the happiness of this life, but the happiness of all coming future lives is more important. More important than that is bringing sentient beings to liberation, which is free forever from the suffering of samsara. Most beneficial is to bring them to the ultimate, great liberation of full enlightenment. That is the greatest service and benefit for sentient beings. To do this, first we must achieve full enlightenment ourselves. For the success of attaining the whole path to enlightenment, listen to the Golden Light Sutra. This sutra directs our lives towards enlightenment. It helps us not be reborn in the lower realms. The very first thing, the immediate danger that we need to stop immediately without delaying even one second, is rebirth in the lower realm. We need a higher rebirth so we can continue to practice Dharma. All negative karma is purified by listening to this sutra. This text increases success and, especially for leaders like kings or presidents, it brings success to their guiding in virtue, the path to happiness. If you have problems, for anyone dying or dead or if the devas have turned against you and nothing is working; or if merely by expressing yourself, your friends, loved ones, husband, wife, family members and even servants get angry with you, if your wealth declines or if you have harm from black magic or spirits, or if you have bad dreams or fearful things happening, then for all of these problems you should wash, put on clean clothes, and with a peaceful mind listen to the transmission of this text. Then all will be pacified. Anyone who hears it creates much merit and is highly admired by the buddhas.
In whichever country this is taught, the whole country will benefit. The king of that country will not be attacked and disease will be eliminated, everyone will be happy, and the country will become harmonious and without quarrels. The king will give religious freedom and will always be protected by the devas. It is especially good to read this in places where there is a lot of fighting. As well, there will be prosperity and rains will come at the right time.
It would be excellent to go into countries where there is much killing and read this precious sutra one hundred times or any number of times. This would be very valuable, very beneficial.
Anyone who keeps, memorizes, or contributes to this text exceeds the eight worldly beings and all their wishes will be fulfilled. Buddha told the four guardians to make offerings and serve this text, and to always protect the people who memorize or even just read it. The four guardians acknowledged they would protect those who read it and would help and fulfill all their wishes.
Memorizing or making offerings to this text is like making inconceivable offerings to Buddha. Enlightenment will never be reversed for anyone into whose ear these holy words are spoken; the life will always be directed toward enlightenment and one will never fall back. The deva Hamachiwa Pala told Buddha that she will protect the bhikshu who recites this text and he will receive all that is need- ed: property, a stable mind, and so forth. Whoever even tries to read or understand this text will experience the comfort and happiness of devas and humans for 100 billion eons; fame and perfect crops; and will become a buddha. The earth goddess definitely will help even if only one chapter or one bodhisattva’s name is mentioned; she will protect those sentient beings who read and try to understand even one verse, and will fulfill their wishes. Those sentient beings who hear only one verse will never go to the lower realms. The Buddha told the earth goddess that even if a person hears only one verse, they will be born in the deva realm. Further, the Buddha told the earth goddess the non-virtuous karma of the person who hears even one verse will be eliminated and they will achieve enlightenment.
People can just join for the whole 2 hours, or also just for a short while. The main thing is that the Sutra is recited in Israel.
A good explanation of the Sutra is in the link.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81567040249
Password: 1234
The course is recurring and takes place every day at the same time, with the exception of Wednesday
10.30 – 11.30
14.00 – 15.00
תרומותיכם, אותן ניתן לעשות בכל עת הן לפני השיעור והן לאחריו, מיועדות לכיסוי כל ההוצאות הארגוניות ולמתן דאנה כהוקרת תודה למורה.
All remaining donations after covering the costs will be offered to the precious teacher.