פסיכולוגיה בודהיסטית

A Dharma talk – Peaceful Mind in a Turbulent World

A Dharma talk in Beit Yad Labanim, 63 Pinkas st.,Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Sunday, 5th of March, 2017 ,17:00-21:00

LingR-7The modern society, in which we live, whether it is East or West, assigns its aim to create the external conditions which bring us well-being and happiness. We have homes full of devices that make our lives easier, shopping malls full of products that fulfill our needs, highways leading us from one place to another quickly, available knowledge about anything within a click, virtual social networks, food from every country in the world and hours of entertainment accessible on television and in films. However, despite all the developed technology and the variety of available pleasures, the moments of internal peace and independent true happiness are rare. If we look, we will see that our surrounding is full of hatred and wars of words and blood. We feel lack of peace and tension in almost every aspect of our life – work, family and country. At times, it seems that nowadays the outer world contributes to more internal restlessness, hostility and negativity than happiness.

All religious and spiritual traditions offer methods for internal happiness and development of positive states of mind. According to Buddhism, ongoing internal happiness is not derived from external stimulants, but rather from positive states of mind, like love and compassion, which can be trained and developed.

Since we all search for happiness – what is inner happiness that is not short term and how can it be achieved? Can we truly change our states of mind if we only decide to do that?

His Eminence Ling Rinpoche the 7th, a senior teacher in Tibetan Buddhism, in his previous incarnation the senior tutor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and in his current incarnation a close disciple of the Dalai Lama, will discuss in this fascinating lecture all these issues and others, as well as the methods that Tibetan Buddhism offers to develop states of mind that grant inner peace and well-being.

The teachings will be translated from Tibetan to both Hebrew and English. For English translation you can hire a wi-fi earphones at the event site for 30 NIS (7.5 USD) per day. 

The Dharma talk will take place in Beit Yad Labanim in Tel Aviv.

It is required to register for it with the registration form on this page.

A limited amount of time will be dedicated to questions and answers.


 In the spirit of Buddhist tradition, the participation in all the teaching activities of His Eminence Ling Rinpoche in Israel is on the basis of donation (Dhana) only.

Rinpoche and his entourage, as well as the organizing team and the wide array of volunteers function voluntarily and do not get any payment.

Your donations, which will be collected at the end of the activities, are intended to cover all the many organizational expenses and to offer an appreciative donation to Rinpoche.


ברוח המסורת הבודהיסטית, המורה, וכן הצוות המארגן פועלים בהתנדבות מלאה ואינם מקבלים כל שכר. גם ההשתתפות בקורס זה הינה על בסיס תרומה (דאנה) וללא ציון סכום מוגדר, כדי לאפשר לכל הרוצים להשתתף בקורס לעשות זאת בשמחה ולתרום כפי יכולתם ומתוך רצון ונדיבות הלב.
תרומותיכם, אותן ניתן לעשות בכל עת הן לפני השיעור והן לאחריו, מיועדות לכיסוי כל ההוצאות הארגוניות ולמתן דאנה כהוקרת תודה למורה.
All our activities are organized by volunteers and are offered without any price tag attached. Yet there are some costs to cover and for that we are asking for your donations.
All remaining donations after covering the costs will be offered to the precious teacher.

חומרי עיון לאירוע זה

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ספרים בהוצאת ידידי הדהרמה

"כיצד לראות את עצמך כפי שהנך באמת"

כבוד הדלאי לאמהּ ה-14  

בספרו "כיצד לראות את עצמך כפי שהנך באמת" מדריך אותנו כבוד הדלאי לאמה כיצד לראות את עצמנו כפי שאנו באמת, על מנת שנוכל להתחיל ליצור את העולם שבו נרצה לחיות. למידע נוסף ורכישה